lindsay conn

I have worked as a certified Life, Career, and Executive Coach for over 15 years. During this time, I have witnessed countless individuals courageously bring heartfelt desires to reality, and I continue to be awed by the power within each of us to make our dreams come true.

My coaching experience, and my life experience, have taught me this: Each and every one of us shares one thing in common, the yearning to live a meaningful life. As a coach, my role is to guide clients toward transforming that yearning into reality. I could not be more honored or privileged to do the work that I do.

My credentials
I am credentialed as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coaches Federation (ICF), the accrediting body for the coaching industry, and also credentialed as a certified Life, Career, and Executive Coach through the Coaches Training Institute (CTI), the first training organization to be accredited by the ICF. Most recently, I became certified as a Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

My philosophy and approach
Regardless of the type of coaching that I provide a client, everything that I do is underpinned by the belief that It is Everyone’s Birthright to Live a Deeply Rich and Rewarding Life. As a coach, it is my job to inspire and empower individuals to claim that right. And from that place, together, we begin a process to powerfully turn yearnings and dreams into reality. Because I believe that we each have the answers within us to powerfully transform our lives, my style is partnership based, rather than directive. Put simply, I meet my clients where they are on their life’s journey, help them to clarify exactly where they yearn to be, and then support them to get there.

My clients often refer to me as both an intuitive and action-oriented coach. I call on both of these aspects of myself throughout the coaching process. Specifically, I ask my clients a lot of questions and share a multitude of coaching tools with them that help remove unsupportive self-concepts,
perceptions, and “shoulds” to reveal their truth and a clarity that has been within them all along. An analogy that beautifully demonstrates this process is Michelangelo’s explanation on how he created the statue of David. Michelangelo explained that he did not create David, he merely chipped away at the marble that wasn’t David, until David was revealed.

The coaching process
Typically, I work with my clients during two, monthly, 50-minute virtual sessions, held either by phone or Zoom (it is entirely up to them), and I give ‘assignments’ between sessions to keep things powerfully moving forward. In some instances, clients request weekly sessions, sessions once a month, or even weekly soundbite sessions (20-minute sessions). My clients are my heroes. They constantly remind me of the inherent power within each of us to create a life of great meaning and deep fulfillment.

My Story

Are you ready for change?

Please reach out to me here to sign-up for coaching or to simply schedule a conversation to discuss your challenges and goals. 

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“I’m a successful professional who hit a wall and contacted Lindsay who connected right away and has helped me in so many ways! She’s intuitive and understanding and gets down to the issue quickly and then helps by empowering you to make the changes you want!”

— Sean W.

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Intuitive and Understanding

“Lindsay is a tremendous career coach who excels at delivering top notch service. She is extremely personable, patient, compassionate, and is very good at asking probing questions to allow you to really reflect on the areas you are seeking to improve. Lindsay helped me discover at work a new sense of strength and self-confidence and I am so grateful for the help she has given in the past and continues to give me today."  

— Rich G.

Top notch service

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"I’ve known Lindsay Conn for 10 years, each interaction with Lindsay has been authentically inspiring! She has the uncanny ability to be deeply compassionate while providing relevant and tangible insights. She’s in it with you! I’m grateful to have Lindsay as a coach and more importantly, her friendship." 

— Alex A.

Authentically Inspiring

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"Lindsay is a wise and compassionate coach, and she has amassed a wealth of knowledge in the practical domain of career development. She was able to help me develop a high-level vision for my working life, as well as guide me in learning the nuts and bolts of modern resume mechanics and interview protocol. I'd recommend Lindsay to anyone at a career crossroads or looking to get ahead of the curve."

— Tim W.

Wise and a Wealth of Knowledge

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“The coaching process was professional, logical, methodical, purposeful—and very fun. I looked forward to every session. It’s clear that Lindsay loves what she does! She helped me gain personal insight as well as practical techniques to apply to everyday scenarios. One thing that I really appreciated is her experience in HR and recruiting, and how she left and went out on her own. I feel that she had a very good handle on where I could fit in the marketplace. I’ve enthusiastically referred Lindsay to others on multiple occasions.”

— Aaron H.

Personal Insight and Practical Techniques

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